plastic waste
Makes your wine taste better than ever before
Lasts longer
than a lifetime
The most perfect
travel companion
Save money on expensive restaurants
Easy one motion mechanism
Make sure you wine tastes exactly like how the vinter wanted it
Save money on expensive restaurants
Make sure you wine tastes exactly
like how the vinter wanted it
Imagine having that classy restaurant feeling in a place that even has a better view than a 5 star restaurant, that’s what Copain de Vin is about, and that is what makes Copain de Vin special.
Save money on
expensive restaurants
By signing up you will receive exclusive updates about our upcoming Store launch and you’ll get a VIP-insider deal. Once spots are full, prices will go up to the next tier. So reserve now!
By signing up you will receive exclusive updates about our upcoming Store launch and you’ll get a VIP-insider deal. Once spots are full, prices will go up to the next tier. So reserve now!